The Shriver Report – Family

Special Edition

Women +
Ebook Love – Sharing Stories of Life
Ebooks are nothing more, then, than the continuing story of humankind. Their promise is huge: the stories, the information, the new perspectives. An extraordinary artist may come out of nowhere and take us all by surprise. Ebooks are about building the future with as many voices as we get to help us navigate the way, and that includes the grandmothers and stock brokers and stay-at-home moms.  → Read More
Mamas in Da House!
The recent primary election brought the usual flood of campaign literature pouring through my letter slot. I had nearly tossed the pile into the recycling bin when I noticed something AMAZING. There was a large color photo of a Hispanic woman holding two tiny kids. The text began “As a mother of two children…” and was an endorsement for quality pre-K. It hit me – SHE was the candidate, and she was claiming her identity as a mother in her campaign for the state legislature.  → Read More
Minimum1010: It’s Time
Since 1938, when the first minimum wage was established in the U.S. at the federal level, economists, politicians and others have argued the merits and potential pitfalls of a mandatory minimum wage. Reports full of charts and data abound and we draw them like sabers to support our case or refute the opponent’s. People approach the subject from myriad angles. For some, it’s all a matter of payroll costs versus productivity versus turnover. Others look at the imposition of a wage floor as an ethical matter.  → Read More
To Strengthen American Infrastructure, Empower American Women
It’s official: the quality of America’s infrastructure is devastatingly average. The American Society of Civil Engineers – which issues a report card for the systems of water, transportation, energy, and public facilities throughout the U.S. – bestowed a cumulative average of ‘D+’ upon our country last year.  → Read More
Celebrating 10 Years of Paid Family Leave in California – Spread the Word!
Parenthood is an utterly unique experience. I’ve been lucky enough to experience those firsts four times over and know that this awesome privilege includes a solemn responsibility: to raise healthy, conscious and compassionate children who will become the next generation of leaders, thinkers and parents themselves. But no matter how much we praise parenthood in our rhetoric, our current public policies — particularly those surrounding parental leave — haven’t kept up with the changing face of American families.  → Read More
Why I Looked Forward to Going Back to Work After Baby
One of the most amazing things about being a mom is that it instantly connects you with billions of other women in the world regardless of ethnicity, religion, or demographics. You connect through the same shared experiences and problems. Though we all fall into the same “mom” role, what we choose to do with our time outside of being a mom is what differentiates us.  → Read More
Quick Click Fix For Change
There are lies, damn lies, and statistics, Mark Twain infamously said. But some statistics do make you wonder. Consider these: percentage of women and girls in the United States: 51; percentage of women in the US Senate: 20; percentage of woman CEOs at Fortune 500 companies: 5.  → Read More
The White House Summit on Working Families: Real Conversations about Real Families
If you’ve ever closed your eyes in utter defeat and frustration –
if you’ve ever not managed to be in two places at once –
if you’ve ever felt like a failure both as a mom or dad, and as an employee –
…. The White House Working Families Summit was the place for you on Monday June 23.  → Read More
Working on a Dream: Reflections on The White House Summit on Working Families
In the late 1940s, my grandmother found herself a single mother of three, living far from family in Washington, DC, where she had moved to be a Government Girl during the war.  → Read More
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