The Shriver Report – paycheck to paycheck

Special Edition

A Woman's Nation Pushes Back from the Brink
Paycheck to Paycheck’s Katrina Gilbert Discusses How Policy Change Can Help Families
The Center for American Progress published the “Valuing All Our Families: Progressive Policies that Strengthen Family Commitments and Reduce Family Disparities” report and hosted an event on January 12th, 2015 which featured remarks by Katrina Gilbert. Katrina’s story of pushing back against the brink of poverty was documented in HBO’s Paycheck to Paycheck: The Life and Times of Katrina Gilbert which is a part of “The Shriver Report: A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink.”  → Read More
I've Been Thinking...
I’ve Been Thinking…You’re Not Alone, Tell Your True Story
I came back to Chicago because my good friend of 36 years, Oprah Winfrey, wanted to do a show for her OWN network with an audience of women living paycheck to paycheck and the gathering moved me deeply.  → Read More
My Story
How I Raised Two Children, Single, Living Paycheck to Paycheck
I’ve been known to say my youngest son will be off my payroll as of May of this year. Why? Because after being a single mom since he was seven and my oldest son was 13, I will have raised them both on my own and funded their college education.  → Read More
Q & A With “Paycheck to Paycheck’s” Katrina Gilbert
Katrina Gilbert’s life is featured in the HBO documentary “Paycheck to Paycheck: The Life and Times of Katrina Gilbert” which is part of the groundbreaking “Shriver Report, A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink.” This fully employed, single mother of 3 earns $9.49 an hour as a Certified Nurses Aide, providing valuable care for an aging community while being barely able to provide for herself and her own family. The Shriver Report caught up with Katrina shortly before the premiere of the documentary and she shed some light on what has changed since the film was shot and what she hopes her children will learn from her.  → Read More
A Hand Up, Not a Handout: Paycheck to Paycheck and the Voice of 42 Million
As the entertainment industry grows ever more out-there in its portrayals of suffering, cruelty, and violence, the heart finds it better to harden, or be overwhelmed. Which is why I was so thrown off when, at a screening of the new HBO Documentary, Paycheck to Paycheck, I burst into tears. The focus of the film is Katrina Gilbert, a 30-year old Southerner and single mother with three young children. Her story is meant to put a face on the numbers, the 42 million women The Shriver Report counts as being on the ever-present brink of absolute poverty—and the 23 million young children who depend on them.  → Read More
My Story
Living Paycheck to Paycheck: A Child’s Perspective
Hello my name is Kenton Van Jacobs, I am 13 years old, I live with my mother Melody Jacobs and we live in Flagstaff, AZ. My mother has now been raising me for 13 years. She is a single mother and has recently decided to get her college education in law. My mom is a great person with a great personality and I love her very much. But sometimes it is hard for my mom to be a single mother. This is because she has to pay all of the bills and take care of me at the same time.  → Read More
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