The Shriver Report – work

Special Edition

How I Discovered My Passion & Started My Own Business
My Dad calls me Mrs. Magoo. I think it is because it may seem that I haphazardly plow through life full speed ahead and great things just happen to me. This may be the case and I know I’m very lucky but there is something to be said for following your passion and doing what you love. Good things can’t help but be attracted to you.  → Read More
#WorldsToughestJob Ad: Could You Handle These Job Requirements?
Several candidates interviewed via webcam for a potential job and were shocked when they heard about the responsibilities and requirements. One applicant even asked: “Is that legal?”  → Read More
Making The Most of Underemployment
When I found myself underemployed, I was determined to make the most of my position. Here’s what I did, and what you can do, too, if you find yourself underemployed but wanting more.  → Read More
Life Ed
Life Ed: 7 Ways to Support a Breastfeeding Co-worker
Breastfeeding in America is on the rise, and more women are breadwinners than ever before. At some point, you are likely to have a breastfeeding co-worker. Here’s how to be an MVP to a milk-making mom.  → Read More
How Three Real People Found Flex Jobs
There’s a reason it’s called “the grind.” The standard workweek grates on many of us, but especially those who have children at home. They’re stuck in rush-hour traffic while their babies are getting baths and bedtime stories, their grade-schoolers are struggling with multiplication, and their teenagers are up to who-knows-what. A recent study conducted by LearnVest revealed that more than half of workers would prefer a flexible schedule, or even a job-share. Two in three wish they could log their weekly hours over four days instead of five, and 43% want to work remotely.  → Read More
Standing Up to Dumbing Yourself Down
If life is less about what happens to us than how we respond, the same holds true for our children who bear witness to our lives, values, choices and attitudes, day in and day out. They absorb the good and bad, the fair and unfair, forming opinions about the world that have the power to influence and shape the very course of their lives. As a mother, I am acutely aware of this, ever mindful that I am my daughter’s first and most important role model for what it means to be female in this world — at home, at work, and in life at-large.  → Read More
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