The Shriver Report – women in the military

Special Edition

Breaking the Mold
Wife, Mother, Soldier
One woman, Lt. Col. Chris Cieslak is an Active Drilling Reservist (serving in Troop Program Unit status) and has over 22 years of services in the Army Reserves. She was commissioned in 1991 has served two terms of deployment, and is a wife and mother of two. While she is oversees, her husband is the primary caregiver for their two children, and they continue to maintain those roles even when she returns to the states.
She shares her experience as a woman in the military, and explains how she manages being a soldier and a mother, as well describing her struggles with returning to the realities of civilian life.  → Read More
Breaking the Mold
Fatigues & Femininity: Documentary Profiles Women’s Return from War
JulieHera DeStefano never expected watching a mother make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for her child would change her life. One afternoon, while watching the Oprah Winfrey Show, DeStefano watched as a daughter asked her mom – a veteran – to make her the sandwich. What had once been a simple, mundane task was now a challenge: She had to learn to make it with one arm.  → Read More
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