The Shriver Report – women breadwinners

Special Edition

What Women Need
Is This the Key to Helping Women Get Ahead?
For all the women who are succeeding at starting and growing companies, assuming leadership roles, successfully navigating career changes, we know there’s a large segment of women struggling to find a path forward in this fast moving, technology-driven landscape that is our modern day reality. For women who have stepped away from their careers to raise a family, reduced their hours, or found themselves in the midst of a reduction in force, the struggle to gain footing as they try to re-enter the workforce or find new jobs can be overwhelming.  → Read More
A Woman's Nation Pushes Back from the Brink
“Never Worry Alone” and Other Tips to Pushing Back from the Brink
Marie Forleo is a business and life coach with a mission to help you realize your greatest potential and use your unique talents to change the world. Marie has helped a number of women push back from the brink through her online business school for modern entrepreneurs, known as B-school. Her energy is contagious, her passion is palpable, and she shared some of her time, insight and advice with us about how you can push back from the brink, along with the steps you can take right now to help you get back on your feet after the wind has been knocked out of you.  → Read More
What Women Need
Cinderella’s Guide to Financial Independence
I recall the first phone conversation I had with a potential client. A husband, dad, and CEO of a successful company, he asked me to provide financial advice for his family. During our talk, I shared what we would cover during our face-to-face appointment that would take place the following week. “I look forward to meeting your wife,” I said.
“Oh, she doesn’t have to be there because I take care of all the finances,” he said. Clearly, this is an extreme case of a woman putting her financial well-being in someone else’s hands.  → Read More
A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink: Executive Summary
The most common shared story in our country today is the financial insecurity of American families. Today, more than one in three Americans—more than 100 million people—live in poverty or on the edge of it. Half of all Americans will spend at least a few months churning into and out of poverty during their lifetimes. This economic immobility and inequality is a systemic and pervasive problem that President Barack Obama recently described as “the defining challenge of our time.”  → Read More
A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink: Powerful and Powerless
Let me state the obvious: I have never lived on the brink. I’ve never been in foreclosure, never applied for food stamps, never had to choose between feeding my children or paying the rent, and never feared I’d lose my paycheck when I had to take time off to care for a sick child or parent. I’m not thrown into crisis mode if I have to pay a parking ticket, or if the rent goes up. If my car breaks down, my life doesn’t descend into chaos. But the fact is, one in three people in the U.S. do live with this kind of stress, struggle, and anxiety every day.  → Read More
What Women Need
What Are the Tools Needed to Do It All?
So many of us have spent precious time reaching for the stars, or leaning in to our careers, that we’ve forgotten how to construct a firm ground to stand on. Sadly, we often don’t have that luxury. Working full time, feeding and educating our children, caring for our parents while acting as the primary provider has left us in a vulnerable position of floating too close to the edge. Ascending that ladder to success, and learning how to dress for it once we’re there, has sent us to a satellite far away from our base. So little time, relatively speaking, is spent finding solutions as to how we can solidify ourselves, financially, emotionally and spiritually so that we don’t feel one job, one paycheck, one relationship and one prayer away from a stratospheric disaster. Houston, we have a problem.  → Read More
Can Due Diligence Mess Up Your Intuition and Waste Your Time?
A few weeks ago, a blog post by Danielle LaPorte caught my eye, even more than her pieces usually do. Danielle is the creator of The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul, and author of the bestseller, The Fire Starter Sessions, and an inspiration inspiring speaker, poet and former think tank exec. In her piece, Team building philosophy, love at first sight, and meet my new crew! she discusses, as the title might suggest, her team building philosophy – which was largely, if not entirely, based on Danielle’s instincts and feelings – two things that women aren’t typically encouraged to use when managing or building teams.  → Read More
The Power of Coming Back to Joy and How it Can Help You at Work
Many report how joyless they feel. Their calendars brim with activities, juggling product launches, organizational audits and transatlantic flights with much-needed “vacations” or rugged retreats to find the genome of their soul. For all this activity—however important or rewarding or “fulfilling”—the news I often hear back is: I’m overwhelmed. I’m exhausted. Or simply: I don’t know what gives me joy anymore. Here’s how you can change all of that:  → Read More
7 Tips To Starting A Business At Home, With Kids
While being a mother can be a full-time job, some moms have decided to add more to the mix to generate extra income for their families and fulfill their dreams of owning a business. The benefits are unmatched: flexible hours, unlimited income potential, unbridled creativity and of course, quality times with the little ones. If your hearts desire is to own your own company, here are 7 secrets to making your dream come true.  → Read More
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