The Shriver Report – second chance

Special Edition

Ex-Offenders Defeat the Pull of the Street
If you happen upon “The Most Excellent Halfway Home” in Jersey City, you will find a group of women who have learned to rise above adversity by coming together and leaning onto each other. You will find a community of women who have recently been released from Hudson County Jail with a second chance at life. Eradicating poverty and helping women in need is very dear to Same Sky—our birthplace being Rwanda after wanting to shed light on the devastation of the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, and needing to offer our help and hope; offer a second chance—which is why we jumped on the opportunity to expand to America. This desire stems from the fact that over 50 million people live below the poverty line right here in the United States, and an estimated 85% of women in prisons are mothers—unfortunately, the fastest-growing sector in the prison population.  → Read More
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