The Shriver Report – gender wage gap

Special Edition

The Gender Wage Gap: A Civil Rights Issue for Our Time
It has been more than 20 years since I arrived at the Stanford Law School campus, a first-year student with dreams of becoming a civil rights lawyer. Like many people of color coming of age in the 1980s, I considered myself a child of the civil rights movement.  → Read More
What Women Need
The Gender Wage Gap: What To Do If You Think You Aren’t Being Paid Fairly
We have read the stories and statistics about the gender wage gap, and that despite the many strides women have made in the workforce, women only make 77 cents for every dollar a man makes. Unfortunately, there isn’t a quick fix to this issue, but we had a very enlightening conversation with employment attorney Christopher Davis, partner at Stoll, Glickman & Bellina, and he shared what you can do if you think you aren’t being paid fairly, with and without the assistance of an attorney.  → Read More
What Women Need
To Employers and HR: Why Treating Women Fairly is Good Business
This week the Shriver Report launched its groundbreaking new report, A Woman’s Nation Pushes Back from the Brink in Partnership with Center for American Progress which describes the tremendous problems we still have creating meaningful and rewarding work for women (often single women).  → Read More
What Women Need
What Are the Tools Needed to Do It All?
So many of us have spent precious time reaching for the stars, or leaning in to our careers, that we’ve forgotten how to construct a firm ground to stand on. Sadly, we often don’t have that luxury. Working full time, feeding and educating our children, caring for our parents while acting as the primary provider has left us in a vulnerable position of floating too close to the edge. Ascending that ladder to success, and learning how to dress for it once we’re there, has sent us to a satellite far away from our base. So little time, relatively speaking, is spent finding solutions as to how we can solidify ourselves, financially, emotionally and spiritually so that we don’t feel one job, one paycheck, one relationship and one prayer away from a stratospheric disaster. Houston, we have a problem.  → Read More
Companies Can Get the EDGE with New Gender Certification
When companies have more women in leadership, they make more money. It is nice when the economy rewards the good guys — even when they are women. A new tool called EDGE Certification does just that: it delivers profit for parity. Economic Dividends for Gender Equality — EDGE Certification — is a stamp of approval signaling a corporate culture ripe for a diversity dividend. It lets companies grow their own leaders by fixing the expensive leaky pipeline. Women often fall out of the corporate pipeline at mid-career before ascending to the highest levels. And yet studies show that once women start to populate the highest ranks of a company, that is good for the bottom line.  → Read More
Women With Degrees – “Your Real Work is Just Beginning”
I recently spoke with a group of women pursuing their MBA degrees about the daunting challenges they can expect when they enter the business world. True, they are in an elite group of about the one-third of Americans with undergraduate degrees. They will outnumber their male counterparts when they receive their Master’s degrees.  → Read More
Is Louisiana Really the Worst State for Women?
When I read that the Center for American Progress (CAP) had named Louisiana the worst state to be a woman, I knew I would hear about it in New Orleans where I live. We seem to always be ending up on the top of some list: fattest state, best place to vacation, most corrupt politicians. But CAP’s list struck a nerve in this usually breezy town.  → Read More
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