The Shriver Report – Kathy Caprino

Special Edition

Kathy Caprino

Women’s Career and Leadership Coach, Writer, Speaker, Trainer

Kathy Caprino, M.A. is a nationally recognized women’s success and leadership coach, trainer, writer and speaker dedicated to the advancement of women in business. She is the author of Breakdown, Breakthrough:The Professional Woman’s Guide to Claiming a Life of Passion, Power and Purpose, and Founder of The Amazing Career Project which helps women build exciting, rewarding and successful careers and businesses of significance.

She is also Founder/President of Ellia Communications, Inc. — a leading success coaching and training firm for professional and entrepreneurial women. A former corporate marketing VP, trained marriage and family therapist, and seasoned coach, Kathy is a Forbes, Huffington Post and AARP contributor and top media source on women’s career and entrepreneurial issues and trends, and has appeared in over 100 leading newspapers and magazines and on national radio and television.  For more information, write to

Gender Equality Is a Myth!
By Beyoncé Knowles-Carter
We need to stop buying into the myth about gender equality. It isn’t a reality yet. Today, women make up half of the U.S. workforce, but the average working woman earns only 77 percent of what the average working man makes. But unless women and men both say this is unacceptable, things will not change.  → Read More
How to Tap Into Your Fullest Passion, Power and Purpose
I spent 18 long years in corporate life, and throughout all of it, I never once experienced passion, power or purpose in my work. Yes, it was interesting and stimulating, and lucrative, but I never felt connected to it deeply, or energized and revitalized by it. I thought that my lack of passion for my work was a given – I looked around me and saw hundreds of others whose light had also been extinguished in the same way, so I didn’t understand what was missing.  → Read More
12 Hidden Work Crises and How They Can Push You to Your Best
I spent 18 years in corporate America, and on the outside, it looked like a successful career. I rose to the level of vice president, earned great money and recognition. But on the inside was a different story. I was unhappy for many years and unfulfilled and as I approached 40, the bumps I experienced in my work-life turned into full-blown crises. In the last years of my corporate journey, I experienced discrimination, sexual harassment, zero-work life balance, chronic illness, and most challenging of all, the agonizing worry that the work I would spend my entire life focused on would offer no contributive value to society or the world.  → Read More
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